What are the differences between HTML, XML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript in layman terms?
I'm sometimes asked by visitors thinking of starting their own website what terms like "HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "PHP" and "Perl" mean. Or, on occasion, their questions on some other topic show that they have misunderstood the meaning of these words. This article explains the terms and discusses what knowledge is actually necessary for creating a website.
You can make a total site knowing only this, be that as it may it'll resemble those 90s sites with blue connections. It's there to make essential structure for a site and it's outlandish (to the extent I know) to make any site/site page without utilizing HTML.CSS
JavaScript - It's the genuine programming dialect which keeps running in your program. It gives your site page control. Utilizing JavaScript you can put computations, intelligent conditions and all the programming usefulness. HTML alone can't do that.
The pages in your Android application are for the most part coded in XML, which the Android framework (in fact Dalvik VM or these days Workmanship) peruses and change over it to appropriate Java. So it's only to store literary data which gets parsed and the parsing/perusing instrument utilizes it for their own particular reason. The linguistic structure looks like HTML labels.
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